Obtaining subpixel level cutting tool displacements from video using a CNN architecture


  • Varun Raizada Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India
  • Mohit Law Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India




Convolution Neural Network, Vibrations, Phase-Based Optical Flow, Visual Vibrometry


To register motion from video of vibrating tools, acquisition must ensure that motion is spatially and temporally resolved. However, since tools often vibrate with subpixel level motion, and since cameras often trade speed for resolution, if acquisition is to respect the Nyquist limit to avoid temporal aliasing, then the spatial resolution is often not sufficient to detect small cutting tool motion. To address this problem, this paper shows for the first time that subpixel level tool motion can be inferred instead by using convolution neural networks. We train our model on a database using the phase-based optical flow scheme that is a subpixel level motion registration algorithm. Our model is shown to be capable of detecting small motion correctly. Though the frequency of vibration estimated from the registered motion is correct, further work is necessary on fine tuning model architecture to fix the errors observed in the estimation of damping.


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How to Cite

Raizada, V., & Law, M. (2023). Obtaining subpixel level cutting tool displacements from video using a CNN architecture. Manufacturing Technology Today, 22(3), 14–19. https://doi.org/10.58368/MTT.22.3.2023.14-19


