Interoperable data retrieval solutions for smart manufacturing applications


  • Tadigotla Narendra Reddy Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore, India
  • Prasad Prasannan Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore, India
  • Seema B. Hegde Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, India
  • Prakash Vinod Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore, India
  • Mervin A. Herbert National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India
  • Shrikantha S. Rao National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India



Data Retrieval, Open-Source Software, PLC Data Acquisition, Industry 4.0, Open-Source Frameworks, Industrial Automation, IIoT


Industry 4.0 / Digital Transformation technologies benefit industries by enhancing productivity, quality improvements, ease of maintenance and flexibility in manufacturing operations. One major challenge in digitalisation projects is acquiring data from industrial machinery and equipment due to proprietary industrial protocols. Integrating the “Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)” has spurred digitalisation in manufacturing, enhancing productivity and reliability while lowering labour costs. IIoT links industrial machinery like PLCs, CNCs, and robots via a robust network, generating crucial data for automation. However, due to cost constraints, acquiring data from legacy machines, which use diverse communication protocols, poses a significant challenge, particularly for MSMEs. This paper explores leveraging open-source frameworks for real-time data acquisition from industrial machines in Industry 4.0. Through several test cases, the paper demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of using open-source solutions over vendor-specific licensed software. Additionally, it validates “Wireshark” as a versatile open-source tool for data acquisition across various vendor-specific machines, utilising standard communication protocols. This research offers a pioneering approach to digitalising MSME manufacturing industries while minimising costs efficiently.


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How to Cite

Narendra Reddy, T., Prasannan, P., Hegde, S. B., Vinod, P., Herbert, M. A., & Rao, S. S. (2023). Interoperable data retrieval solutions for smart manufacturing applications. Manufacturing Technology Today, 22(11-12), 1–19.