Review on surface modification of microelectrode array for extracellular recording of the neural interface system


  • R. Vignesh Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Sunil Magadum Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • K. Niranjan Reddy Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Microelectrode Array, Neural Interface Systems, Laser and EDM Fabrication Techniques, Surface Modification


Globally neurological diseases are increasing due to unhealthy lifestyles, environmental influences, and physical injuries. So, MEA (microelectrode array) based neural interface systems can restore the lost neural functions to treat neurological diseases through stimulating or recording a neuronal signal. In 1664 Jan Swammerdam was the first to explain nerve function and nerve stimulation. Nowadays, many neural recording systems are available for interfacing with the brain. These systems can be classified into two ways: intracellular or extracellular recording. The extracellular recording is the technique of recording or stimulating the neural signals by placing the electrode near the tissues or cells. It is a less invasive approach compared to an intracellular recording. Generally, the neural interface systems are classified as the CNS (central nervous system) and PNS (peripheral nervous system). Microelectrode arrays can interface in the central nervous system to treat neurological diseases. A mechanical mismatch is a significant problem that arises during the insertion of the implant into the brain tissue. So, various surface modification techniques are considered a viable solution among researchers to address this issue. Also, laser and EDM-based new fabrication techniques are getting more attention over photolithography techniques for reducing the fabrication timing, cost, and usage of hazardous chemicals.


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How to Cite

Vignesh, R., Magadum, S., & Reddy , K. N. (2022). Review on surface modification of microelectrode array for extracellular recording of the neural interface system. Manufacturing Technology Today, 21(1-2), 3–20. Retrieved from