Understanding and predicting material removal rate in abrasive waterjet milling of kerfs


  • T. N. Deepu Kumar Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
  • D. S. Srinivasu Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India




Abrasive Waterjet, Milling Kerfs, Material Removal Rate, Kerf Characteristics, MRR Model Performance


Titanium alloys are used in engineering applications due to their high strength-to weight ratio. However, it is challenging to manufacture parts from it. On the other hand, abrasive waterjet (AWJ) has demonstrated its capabilities in milling parts in titanium alloys. However, AWJ milling technology is still nascent due to a lack of accurate control over material removal. The material removal rate (MRR) is one measure that decides productivity. Towards contributing to the acceptance of the AWJ milling technology, a model for accurate prediction of the MRR is proposed in this work. Hence, a suitable generic geometry that accurately mimics the material removal under various AWJ conditions is identified. By integrating the identified geometry (rectangle, trapezium, triangle) with the maximum erosion depth and the top kerf width, the MRR is predicted. Results show that the estimated MRR using a triangular kerf CP area correlate well with the experimental MRR.


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How to Cite

Deepu Kumar, T. N., & Srinivasu, D. S. (2023). Understanding and predicting material removal rate in abrasive waterjet milling of kerfs. Manufacturing Technology Today, 22(5), 36–43. https://doi.org/10.58368/MTT.22.5.2023.36-43


