Modal Analysis of Uniform Short Cantilever Beam using Theoretical and Experimental Approaches


  • Yemineni Siva Sankara Rao Mechanical Engineering Department, University College of Engineering, JNTUK, Kakinada, India
  • Kutchibotla Mallikarjuna Rao Mechanical Engineering Department, University College of Engineering, JNTUK, Kakinada, India


Short Uniform Rectangular Cantilever Beam, Mild steel, Experimental Modal Analysis using FRF, Timoshenko Beam Theory, Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory, ANSYS R14.5


In this investigation, experimental, theoretical models like Timoshenko Beam Theory (TBT), Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory (EBT), and simulation software ANSYS R14.5 are used for executing the free transverse vibration analysis of a short cantilever beam for estimating the fundamental natural frequencies for different lengths of uniform short cantilever beam. The cross-section of the cantilever beam is rectangular and the material used for analysis is Mild Steel. The obtained results from experimental, both analytical theories, and simulation software ANSYS R14.5 are compared. Although the results obtained from both analytical models are closer to each other, results from Timoshenko beam model are nearer to those of results from ANSYS R14.5 and then to the experimental results than those obtained from the Euler-Bernoulli beam model. Also, for an arbitrary length of cantilever beam natural frequencies for the first four modes are obtained from ANSYS R14.5, TBT, and EBT models and are compared. Here also TBT model, ANSYS R14.5 results are nearer to each other than the results from EBT model. Hence, Timoshenko beam model is accurate theoretical model in analyzing the short cantilever beams for their modal analysis.


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How to Cite

Rao, Y. S. S., & Rao, K. M. (2019). Modal Analysis of Uniform Short Cantilever Beam using Theoretical and Experimental Approaches. Manufacturing Technology Today, 18(8), 21–28. Retrieved from