Green forming of superni 718 by hydraulic impact sheet metal deformation


  • E. Hazya Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
  • S. Gajanana M.V.S.R. Engineering College, Hyderabad, India
  • P. Laxminarayana College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
  • B. Ravikumar M.V.S.R. Engineering College, Hyderabad, India
  • B. Suresh Kumar Reddy M.V.S.R. Engineering College, Hyderabad, India



Taguchi-DOE, ANOVA, Hydraulic Liquid Hammer Forming, Superni 718, Green Manufacturing


Hydraulic liquid hammer/impact forming is a nontraditional type of sheet metal forming technique in which a dead weight drops freely from a certain height over a plunger working inside a cylinder containing Hydraulic liquid or hydraulic fluid generates shock waves which reach the sheet metal kept at a lower part of the cylinder and deforms it to the shape of the straight edge die placed below the sheet metal. Some of the important process variables that affect the deformation process are the input energy, height of the Hydraulic column, and properties of the work material. The speed of deformation and pressures generated are quite low compared to other unconventional forming processes. In the present work in Taguchi DoE technique is used to find the effect of input parameters on the deformation of superni 718. and also an attempt is made towards green manufacturing by adopting used gear and vegetable oils as working fluids.


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How to Cite

Hazya, E., Gajanana, S., Laxminarayana, P., Ravikumar, B., & Suresh Kumar Reddy, B. (2023). Green forming of superni 718 by hydraulic impact sheet metal deformation. Manufacturing Technology Today, 22(11-12), 20–29.

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