Characterization of microwave-drilled holes in kenaf-reinforced epoxy composites


  • Rampal Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Mandi, India
  • Sunny Zafar Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Mandi, India



Kenaf-Reinforced Epoxy Composite, Microwave Drilling, Heat-Affected Zone, Circularity


In this work, kenaf-reinforced polymer composites were drilled using microwave drilling technique. Microwave drilling utilizes microwave radiation at 2.45 GHz, which is concentrated in a narrow region using a thin concentrator. The 2 mm diameter cylindrical graphite and stainless steel (SS) were chosen as tools (concentrators)having sharp conical tips. Produced holes were characterized for heat-affected zone, hole circularity, and diametral overcut. The SS concentratordrilled holes recorded more heat-affected zone than those drilled using graphite concentrator with the values of 44.16 mm2 and 33.20 mm2, respectively. Circularity of holes drilled using graphite concentrator was 15.32% higher than the circularity of holes drilled using SS concentrator. Further, graphite-drilled holes recorded 1.001 mm of diametral overcut which was 59.83% lower than that in SS-drilled holes. Therefore, graphite is recommended as a concentrator when kenaf-reinforced epoxy composites are to be drilled using microwave drilling.


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How to Cite

Rampal, & Zafar, S. (2023). Characterization of microwave-drilled holes in kenaf-reinforced epoxy composites. Manufacturing Technology Today, 22(5), 44–49.


